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Ïóáëèêàöèé íà ñòðàíèöå:    Page: 12345 ... 2324 2526272829
1983 year
Authors: Martynov G.

Programs for computing of the multivariate normal distribution. "Proc. of II School "Programs and Algorithms for the Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Zachkadzor" , 1983, Yerewan. (With coautor)

1983 year
Authors: Martynov G.

The program package on the queuing theory. "Proc. of II School "Programs and Algorithms for the Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Zachkadzor" , 1983, Yerewan. (With coauthors)

1983 year
Authors: Babin A.V., Vishik M.

Regular attractors of semigroups and evolution equations. J. Math, pures et appl., 1983, 62:4, p. 441—491.

1983 year
Authors: Babin A.V., Vishik M.

Attractors of partial differential evolution equations and estimates of their dimension. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1983),38(4):151-213.
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1983 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

On the criteria for the existence of a strong solution of a stochastic equation. Theory Probab. Appl. 27(3), 441-449

1983 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

(with I.V.Emelin and M.A.Krasnosel"skii) On regularization of ill-posed problems by stop-rules of iterative procedures with random errors. Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz. 1983, 5(2), 199-215.

1983 year
Authors: Krasnosel'skii A., Yumagulov M.G.

Bifurcation values of parameters in problem on forced oscillations in automated regulation systems, Dokl. Acad. Nauk Tajik SSR, 11, 679-682 (1983) [Russian]

1983 year
Authors: Krasnosel'skii A.

Forced periodic oscillations in complex nonlinear system, Automation and Remote Control, 44, 10, 1301-1306 (1984)

1983 year
Authors: Kleptsyn A., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M., Kuznetsov N.

Effect of small synchronization errors on stability of complex systems. I. Avtomatika i Telemehanika, 7 (1983), 44-50 (in Russian; English translation Autom. Remote Control, 44, 7, 861-867 (1983)).

1982 year
Authors: Martynov G.

Gaussity test for random processes. "IV Soviet-Japan Symposium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics" , Tbilisi, 1982

1982 year
Authors: Babin A.V., Vishik M.

Existence of and an estimate for the dimension of attractors in quasilinear parabolic equations, and Navier-Stokes systems. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1982),37(3):195-197.
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1982 year
Authors: Blank M., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Markovskaya T., Merkulova I., Ruda M., Sobolev A.

Automatic tracking of cardiac rhythm. Theses of the reports of the 1st Soviet-Finnish Symposium on use the minicomputers and microprocessors in medicine, Finland, Helsinki (1982), 1 p.

1982 year
Authors: Kozyakin V., Krasnosel’skii M.

Some remarks on the method of minimal residues. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 4, 3 (1982), 211-239.

1982 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

About the book of J.Karr "Applications of a theory of central manifold". New books abroad, 10 (1982), 16-19 (in Russian)

1982 year
Authors: Krasnosel’skii M., Kozyakin V., Krasnosel'skii A., Pokrovski A.

About dynamics of control systems with many nonlinearities. The Differential Equations and Applications (I), Proceedings of the 2nd Conference Russe"81, Bulgaria, Russe (1982), 366-376 (in Russian).

1981 year
Authors: Martynov G.

Gaussity test for random processes. "III Vilnius Conf. on Probability Theory and athematical Statistics" , Vilnius, 1981

1981 year
Authors: Vishik M., Komech A.

Weak solutions of the inverse Kolmogorov equation corresponding to the stochastic Navier-Stokes system. Russian Mathematical Surveys (1981),36(3):268-269.
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1981 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

On strong and weak solutions of one - dimensional stochastic equations with boundary conditions. Theory Probab. Appl. 26(4), 670-686
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1981 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

Ergodicity and invariance principle for multiphase queuing systems. Aut. Remote Control. 42(7), 906-909

Ïóáëèêàöèé íà ñòðàíèöå:    Page: 12345 ... 2324 2526272829
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