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2005 year
Authors: Talis V., Kazennikov O., Solopova I.

Талис В.Л., Солопова И.А., Казенников О.В., Кортикоспинальна возбудимость при прямых и переключенных реакциях на стимуляцию мышечных афферентов у человека: исследование методом транскраниальной магнитной стимуляции, Сенсорные системы 2005, 19(3),255-263.
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2005 year
Authors: Talis V., Kazennikov O., Solopova I.

Kazennikov O, Solopova I, Talis V, Grishin A, Ioffe M TMS-responses during anticipatory postural adjustment in bimanual unloading in humans. Neurosci Lett. 2005 5,383(3), 246-250
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2004 year
Authors: Talis V., Solopova I., Kazennikov O., Grishin A., Ioffe M.E.

Казенников О.В., Солопова И.А., Талис В.Л.,Гришин А.А., Иоффе М.Е., Роль моторной коры в бимануальной реакции разгрузки. Журнал высшей нервной деятельности им. И. П. Павлова, 2004, 54(6) 759-766

2003 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

M. Vidal, M. Lipshits, J. McIntyre, A. Berthoz. Gravity and Spatial Orientation in Virtual 3D-Mazes. // J. Vestibular Research. 2003, V.13(4-6), p. 273-826.

2002 year
Authors: Kazennikov O.

Kazennikov O, Perrig S, Wiesendanger M. Kinematics of a coordinated goal-directed bimanual task. Behav Brain Res. 2002 Aug 21;134(1-2):83-91.

2001 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

J. McIntyre, M. Lipshits, M. Zaoui, A. Berthoz, V. Gurfinkel. Internal reference frames for representation and storage of visual information: the role of gravity. // Acta Astronautica. 2001, V.49, No. 3-10, P. 111-121.

2001 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

M. Lipshits, J. McIntyre, M. Zaoui, V. Gurfinkel, A. Berthoz. Does gravity play an essential role in the asymmetrical visual perception of vertical and horizontal line length? // Acta Astronautica. 2001, V.49, No. 3-10, P. 123-130.

2001 year
Authors: Popov K., Smetanin B., Kozhina G.

Adaptational Modifications of the Vestibular Postural Response in Humans under Conditions of Horizontal Visual Reversal. Neurophysiology, 2001, V. 33, Number 4, p. 258-265

2000 year
Authors: Talis V., Solopova I.

Talis VL, Solopova I.A. Vibration-induced postural reaction continues after the contact with additional support. Motor Control, 2000, 4, 407-419.
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1999 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

M. Lipshits, J. McIntyre. Gravity affects the preferred vertical and horizontal in visual perception of orientation. // NeuroReport. 1999. V.10. P.1085-1089.

1999 year
Authors: Popov K., Kozhina G., Smetanin B., Shlykov V.

Postural responses to combined vestibular and hip proprioceptive stimulation. Eur. J. Neurosci., 1999, Vol. 11, № 9, 3307-3311.

1999 year
Authors: Kazennikov O.

Kazennikov O, Hyland B, Corboz M, Babalian A, Rouiller EM, Wiesendanger M. Neural activity of supplementary and primary motor areas in monkeys and its relation to bimanual and unimanual movement sequences. Neuroscience. 1999 Mar;89(3):661-74.

1999 year
Authors: Kazennikov O.

Perrig S, Kazennikov O, Wiesendanger M. Time structure of a goal-directed bimanual skill and its dependence on task constraints. Behav Brain Res. 1999 Aug;103(1):95-104.

1999 year
Authors: Talis V., Solopova I.

Талис В.Л., Солопова И.А. Влияние дополнительной опоры на вибрационные реакции у человека в положении стоя. Физиология человека 1999,25 (3): 102-110
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1999 year
Authors: Talis V., Kazennikov O.

Ivanenko Yu.P. Talis VL, Kazennikov O.V. Support stability influences postural responses to muscle vibration in humans. Eur. J. Neurosci. 1999 Feb, 11(2): 647-54.
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1998 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

A. Semjen, G. Leone, M. Lipshits. Temporal control and motor control: two functional modules which may be influenced differentially during microgravity. // Human Movement Science. 1998. V.17. P.77-93.

1998 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

G. Leone, S. De Schonen, M. Lipshits. Prolonged weigthlessness, reference frame and visual symmetry detection. // Acta Astronautica. 1998, v.92, P.281-286.

1998 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

S. De Schonen, G. Leone, M. Lipshits. The face inversion in microgravity: Is gravity used as a spatial reference for complex object? // Acta Astronautica. 1998, V.92, P.287-301.

1998 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

A. Semjen, G. Leone, M. Lipshits. Motor timing under microgravity. // Acta Astronautica. 1998, V.92, P. 303-321.

1997 year
Authors: Talis V., Levik Y.

Ivanenko Yu.P., Levik Yu.S., Talis VL, Gurfinkel V.S. Human equilibrium on unstable support: the importance of feet-support interaction. Neuroscience Letters 1997 235: 109-112.
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1995 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

G. Leone, M. Lipshits, J. McIntyre, V. Gurfinkel. Independence of bilateral symmetry detection from a gravitational reference frame. // Spatial Vision. 1995. V. 9. № 1 P.127-137.

1995 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

G. Leone, M. Lipshits, V. Gurfinkel, A. Berthoz. Influence of graviceptive cues at different level of visual information processing: the effect of prolonged weightlessness. // Acta Astronautica. 1995. V. 36. P.743-751.

1995 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

G. Leone, M. Lipshits, V. Gurfinkel, A. Berthoz. Is there an effect of weightlessness on mental rotation of three-dimentional objects? // Cognitive Brain Res. 1995. V.2 P.255-267.

1995 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

G. Leone, M. Lipshits, V. Gurfinkel, A. Berthoz. Is there an effect of weightlessness on mental rotation of three-dimentional objects? // Cognitive Brain Res. 1995. V.2 P.255-267.

1995 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

Авторы: J. McIntyre, E.V. Gurfinkel, M.I. Lipshits, J. Droulez, V.S. Gurfinkel. Measurements of human force control during a constrained arm motion using a force-actuated joistick. // J. Neurophysiol., 1995, V. 73, # 3, PP. 1201-1222.

1995 year
Authors: Lipshits M.

Авторы:J. McIntyre, E.V. Gurfinkel, M.I. Lipshits, J. Droulez, V.S. Gurfinkel. Measurements of human force control during a constrained arm motion using a force-actuated joistick. // J. Neurophysiol., 1995, V. 73, # 3, PP. 1201-1222.

1995 year
Authors: Berkinblit M., Fookson O.I., Smetanin B., Adamovich S.V., Poizner H.

The interaction of visual and proprioceptive inputs in pointing to actual and remembered targets. Exp.Br.Res., 1995, 107: 326-330.

1995 year
Authors: Talis V.

Ivanenko Yu.P., Talis VL Support stability and the postural vibratory reactions in man. Fiziologia cheloveka [In Russian] 1995, v.21, N1: 123-131.
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1994 year
Authors: Smetanin B., Adamovich S.V., Berkinblit M., Fookson O.I., Poizner H.

Effects of Head position on errors in 3-D pointing to remembered locations. Neurophysiology, 1994,26, N 2, 98-105.

1994 year
Authors: Аdamovich S., Berkinblit M., Smetanin B., Fookson O., Poizner H.

Influence of movement speed on accurary of pointing to memorized targets in 3D space. Neuroscience Letters, 1994,172, 171-174.

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