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2024 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

A. Yu. Veretennikov, On weak existence of solutions of degenerate McKean-Vlasov equations, Stochastics and Dynamics (accepted) https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219493724500321 [WoS Q3, Scopus Q2, IF = 0,8]
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2024 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

Alexander Yu. Veretennikov, On Averaged Control and Iteration Improvement for a Class of Multidimensional Ergodic Diffusions, in: Kolmogorov Operators and Their Applications, Stéphane Menozzi (ed.), Andrea Pascucci (ed.), Sergio Polidoro (ed.), ser. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Springer Singapore (Singapore), 315-349. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-0225-1_10

2024 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

A.Yu.Veretennikov, On Higher Order Moments and Rates of Convergence for SDEs with Switching, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 24, ¹ 1, 107-124 [Scopus Q1] http://www.mathjournals.org/mmj/2024-024-001/

2023 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

A.A. Shchegolev, A.Yu. Veretennikov, On Convergence Rate Bounds for a Class of Nonlinear Markov Chains, Markov processes and related fields, 2023, v.29, Issue 5, 619-639. doi:10.61102/1024-2953-mprf.2023.29.5.001; the preprint at arXiv:2209.12834
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2023 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

Bibliography converter from BibTEX format to AMSBIB format. Information Processes. 2023. Vol. 23, no. 4. P. 455–469.
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2023 year
Authors: Bekmaganbetov K.A., Chechkin G.A., Chepyzhov V.

Application of Fatou’s Lemma for Strong Homogenization of Attractors to Reaction–Diffusion Systems with Rapidly Oscillating Coefficients in Orthotropic Media with Periodic Obstacles. Mathematics 2023, 11, 1448.
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2023 year
Authors: Dragovic V., Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I.

From formal to actual Puiseux series solutions of algebraic differential equations of first order, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5), 2023, V. 24(4), P. 2201-2213.
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2023 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

Veretennikov, A. On Positive Recurrence of the Mn/GI/1/∞ Model. Mathematics 2023, 11, 4514. [Special Issue "Probability and Stochastic Processes with Applications to Communications, Systems and Networks, 2nd Edition", Eds Prof. Dr. Gurami Tsitsiashvili and Dr. Alexander Bochkov] https://doi.org/10.3390/math11214514 [Scopus Q2; WoS Q1, JCI 2022 = 2,10] The paper is available at http://www.mdpi.com/2227-7390/11/21/4514
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2023 year
Authors: Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I.

Generalized power series solutions of q-difference equations and the small divisors phenomenon, In: "Computer Algebra. 5th International Conference Materials. Moscow, June 26 – 28, 2023", P. 75–78.
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2023 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

A.Yu.Veretennikov, On averaged expected cost control for 1D controlled ergodic diffusions with switching, MPRF, 2023, 23(2), 259 - 294. [Scopus Q4, WoS? JCI 2022 = 0,15]
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2023 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

R.Yu.Sineokiy, A.Yu.Veretennikov, On recurrence, convergence and mixing rate for generalised Wright - Fisher"s diffusion with mutation, Markov Processes and Related Fileds (MPRF), 2023, 23(2), 241 - 258. [Scopus Q4, WoS? JCI 2022 = 0,15]
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2023 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

Special Issue dedicated to Nikita Vvedenskaya, Editorial, MPRF, 2023, 23(2), 145 - 150.
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2023 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

Veretennikov, A. Polynomial Recurrence for SDEs with a Gradient-Type Drift, Revisited. Mathematics 2023, 11, 3096. (16 pages, 30 refs) https://doi.org/10.3390/math11143096 In the Special Issue "New Advances and Applications of Extreme Value Theory" https://www.mdpi.com/journal/mathematics/special_issues/extreme_value_theory, ed. by Prof Dr N. Markovich [Scopus Q2; WoS Q1, JCI 2022 = 2,10]
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2022 year
Authors: Bekmaganbetov K.A., Chepyzhov V., Chechkin G.A.

Strong convergence of attractors of reaction-diffusion system with rapidly oscillating terms in an orthotropic porous medium. Izvestiya: Mathematics, 2022, Volume 86, Issue 6, Pages 1072–1101.
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2022 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

A.I. Nurieva, A.Yu. Veretennikov, On consistency of Bayesian parameter estimators for a class of ergodic Markov models. Reliability: Theory & Applications. 2022, vol. 17, December 4(71): 521-529. https://doi.org/10.24412/1932-2321-2022-471-521-529 [Scopus Q4; IF Scopus 2021 = 0,14]
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2022 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

A.Yu. Veretennikov, M.A. Veretennikova, On Markov–up processes and their recurrence properties, Reliability: Theory & Applications, Vol.17, No 3(69), 2022, 273-291; https://doi.org/10.24412/1932-2321-2022-369-273-291 [Scopus Q4; IF Scopus 2021 = 0,14]
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2022 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

Positive recurrence of a solution of an SDE with variable switching intensities. Stoch PDE: Anal Comp, 10, 1165–1179 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40072-022-00265-7 [Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations] (Scopus Q1; WoS Q2); SharedIt link: https://rdcu.be/cRkgO; https://doi.org/10.1007/s40072-022-00265-7 [IF Scopus =1,46 (2021)]
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2022 year
Authors: Gontsov R., Goryuchkina I., Lastra A.

On the convergence of generalized power series solutions of q-difference equations, Aequat. Math., 2022, V. 96(3), P. 579-597.
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2022 year
Authors: Veretennikov A.

An open problem about the rate of convergence in Erlang-Sevastyanov’s model. Queueing Syst 100, 357–359 (2022), DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11134-022-09791-6, SharedIt link: https://rdcu.be/cKYtE [Scopus 2020 Q2; WoS Q4] IF WoS = 1.114; IF Scopus = 1.439
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2022 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

Non-Sturmian sequences of matrices providing the maximum growth rate of matrix products, Automatica J. IFAC (2022), Nov. Vol. 145, Paper No. 110574, 10.
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2021 year
Authors: Chepyzhov V., Bekmaganbetov K.A.


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