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2024 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

On the significance of parameters and the projective level in the Choice and Collection axioms. arXiv: 2407.20098 [math.LO], August 2024, 127 pp.
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2024 year
Authors: Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V.

Algorithms for the reconstruction of genomic structures with proofs of their low polynomial complexity and high exactness. Mathematics, Mar 11 2024, Vol. 12, No. 6, Art. 817. DOI: 10.3390/math12060817 (WoS Q1)
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2024 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

Jensen Δ1n reals by means of ZFC and second-order Peano arithmetic. Axioms, Jan 30 2024, Vol. 13, No. 2, Art. 96. DOI: 10.3390/axioms13020096 (WoS Q1)
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2024 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

A good lightface Δ1n well-ordering of the reals does not imply the existence of boldface Δ1n-1 well-orderings. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Jun 2024, Vol. 175, Iss. 6, Art. 103426. DOI: 10.1016/j.apal.2024.103426 (WoS Q2)
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2024 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

Parameterfree comprehension does not imply full comprehension in second order Peano arithmetic. Studia Logica, Apr 24 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s11225-024-10108-2 (WoS Q2)
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2024 year
Authors: Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O.

Lower bounds for the rank of a matrix with zeros and ones outside the leading diagonal. Programming and Computer Software, 2024, vol. 50, pp. 202–207.
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2024 year
Authors: Seliverstov A.

On the length of an unsatisfiable conjunction. International Conference Polynomial Computer Algebra 2024, St. Petersburg, Russia, Apr 15–20 2024, pp. 140–143.

2024 year
Authors: Seliverstov A.

On polynomial-time computable structures. Proceedings of the international conference Algebra and mathematical logic: theory and applications. June 27-July 1, 2024, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, pp. 190-192 (in Russian).
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2023 year
Authors: Shilovsky G., Seliverstov A., Zverkóv O.

Demographic indicators, models, and testing. Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2023. V. 31. No. 4. P. 359–374.
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2023 year
Authors: Seliverstov A.

On the length of an unsatisfiable subformula. International Conference Mal"tsev meeting November 13-17, 2023. Novosibirsk, 2023, p. 132.
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2023 year
Authors: Rusin L.

Evolution of homology: From archetype towards a holistic concept of cell type. Journal of Morphology, 284(4), e21569. DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21569, WOS: 000939793400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85150724886 (JCR Q1)
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2023 year
Authors: Shilovsky G., Dibrova D.

Regulation of cell proliferation and Nrf2-mediated antioxidant defense: Conservation of Keap1 cysteines and Nrf2 binding site in the context of the evolution of KLHL family. Life, Apr 19 2023, Vol. 13, No. 4, Art. 1045. DOI: 10.3390/life13041045
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2023 year
Authors: Skulachev V., Vyssokikh M., Chernyak B., Mulkidjanian A., Skulachev M., Shilovsky G., Lyamzaev K., Borisov V., Severin F., Sadovnichii V.

Six functions of respiration: Isn’t it time to take control over ROS production in mitochondria, and aging along with it? International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Aug 8 2023, Vol. 24, Iss. 16, Art. 12540. DOI: 10.3390/ijms241612540 (WoS Q1)
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2023 year
Authors: Tchesunov A., Nikolaeva O., Rusin L., Sanamyan N., Panina E., Miljutin D., Gorelysheva D., Pegova A., Khromova M., Mardashova M., Mikhailov K., Yushin V., Petrov N., Nikitin M., Lyubetsky V., Aleoshin V.

Paraphyly of Marimermithida refines primary routes of transition to parasitism in roundworms. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, April 2023, Vol. 197, Iss. 4, P. 909–923. DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlac070 (WoS Q1)
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2023 year
Authors: Cheng H., Guo Z., Zhang X., Wang X.-J., Li Z., Huo W.-W., Zhong H.-C., Li X.-J., Wu X.-W., Li W.-H., Chen Z.-W., Wu T.-C., Gan X.-F., Zhong B.-L., Lyubetsky V., Rusin L., Yang J., Zhao Q., Cao Q.-D., Yang J.-R.

Lack of evolutionary convergence in multiple primary lung cancer suggests insufficient specificity of personalized therapy. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, May 2023, Vol. 50, Iss. 5, P. 330–340. DOI: 10.1016/j.jgg.2022.11.005 (WoS Q1)
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2023 year
Authors: Gorbunov K., Lyubetsky V.

Constructing an evolutionary tree and path–cycle graph evolution along it. Mathematics, Apr 24 2023, Vol. 11, No. 9, Art. 2024. DOI: 10.3390/math11092024 (WoS Q1)
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2023 year
Authors: Boykov A., Seliverstov A.

On a cube and subspace projections. Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp"yuternye Nauki, 2023, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 402-415.
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2023 year
Authors: Seliverstov A.

On binary solutions to a system of several linear equations modulo three. Algebra, Number Theory, Discrete Geometry and Multiscale Modeling: modern problems and applications, applications and problems of history. XXII International Conference dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Academician A. N. Kolmogorov and 60th anniversary of the opening of boarding school ¹18 at Moscow University. Tula, TSPU of Leo Tolstoy, 2023, pp. 242–244.
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2023 year
Authors: Zverkóv O., Seliverstov A.

Effective lover bounds on the matrix rank and their applications, Programming and Computer Software, 2023, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 441–447. DOI: 10.1134/S0361768823020160
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2023 year
Authors: Lyubetsky V., Rubanov L., Tereshina M., Ivanova A., Araslanova K., Uroshlev L., Goremykina G., Yang J., Kanovei V., Zverkóv O., Shitikov A., Korotkova D., Zaraisky A.

Wide-scale identification of novel/eliminated genes responsible for evolutionary transformations. Biology Direct, 2023, Vol. 18, Art. 45. DOI: 10.1186/s13062-023-00405-6 (WoS Q1)
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2023 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

A model in which well-orderings of the reals first appear at a given projective level, part III, the case of second-order PA. Mathematics, 2023, 11(15), Article no. 3294. DOI 10.3390/math11153294 (WoS Q1)
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2023 year
Authors: Seliverstov A.

Generalization of the subset sum problem and cubic forms. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2023, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 48-56. DOI: 10.1134/S0965542523010116
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2023 year
Authors: Seliverstov A.

On a simple lower bound for the matrix rank. In: S.A. Abramov, A.B. Batkhin, L.A. Sevastyanov (eds.) Computer algebra: 5th International Conference Materials, Moscow, Russia, June 26-28 2023, Moscow: KIAM, 2023, P. 126-128. ISBN: 978-5-98354-067-5

2023 year
Authors: Seliverstov A.

Dimensionality reduction to solve problems on the arrangement of a subspace and cube vertices. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference SCIENTIST, TEACHER, MENTOR dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Professor A. R. Esayan, Tula, 2023, pp. 66-69.
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2023 year
Authors: Seliverstov A.

Notes on obstacles to dimensionality reduction. International Conference Polynomial Computer Algebra "2023, Apr 17, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2023, pp. 104-107.
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2023 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

A model in which well-orderings of the reals first appear at a given projective level, part II. Mathematics, 2023, 11(11), Article no. 2517. DOI: 10.3390/math11112517 . (WoS Q1)
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2023 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

On the Significance of Parameters in the Choice and Collection Schemata in the 2nd Order Peano Arithmetic. Mathematics, 2023, 11 (3), Article no. 726. DOI: 10.3390/math11030726 (WoS Q1)
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2023 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

On Russell typicality in Set Theory. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2023, 151, no 5, pp. 2201–2210. https://doi.org/10.1090/proc/16232 (WoS Q2)
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2022 year
Authors: Shilovsky G., Sorokina E., Putyatina T.

Assessment of the human metabolome as a method for molecular diagnostics of colorectal cancer: Prevention and therapy. Biology Bulletin Reviews, Aug 2022, Vol. 12, P. 422–427. DOI: 10.1134/S2079086422040089
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2022 year
Authors: Shilovsky G., Putyatina T., Markov A.

Evolution of longevity as a species-specific trait in mammals. Biochemistry (Moscow), 2022, Vol. 87, Iss. 12-13, P. 1579–1599. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297922120148

2022 year
Authors: Shilovsky G., Ashapkin V.

Transcription factor Nrf2 and mitochondria – friends or foes in the regulation of aging rate. Biochemistry (Moscow), 2022, Vol. 87, Iss. 12-13, P. 1477–1486. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297922120057
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2022 year
Authors: Seliverstov A.

On binary solutions to a system of linear equations over a computable field. International Conference Mal"tsev Meeting. Collection of Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, November 14-19 2022, Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University, 2022, P. 78.

2022 year
Authors: Latkin I.V., Seliverstov A.

International Conference Mal"tsev Meeting. Collection of Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, November 14-19 2022, Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University, 2022, P. 72.

2022 year
Authors: Latkin I.V., Seliverstov A.

International Scientific Conference on Mathematical Logic and Computer Science, Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan, Astana, October 7-8, 2022, pp. 36-40.
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2022 year
Authors: Adlaj S.F., Malaschonok G.I., Malyshev K.Yu., Seliverstov A., Uskov F.G.

On algorithms for calculating complete elliptic integrals. Representation theory, dynamical systems, combinatorial methods. Part XXXIV, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 517, POMI, St. Petersburg, 2022, 5-16.
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2022 year
Authors: Latkin I.V., Seliverstov A.

On computations over ordered rings. Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 2022, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 1054–1076 (in Russian).
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2022 year
Authors: Shilovsky G., Zverkóv O., Rubanov L., Seliverstov A., Lyubetsky V.

Evolution of protein regulators of circadian rhythm in mammals. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/Systems Biology (BGRS/SB-2022), The Thirteenth International Multiconference Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, 4-8 July 2022, Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2022, P. 173.
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2022 year
Authors: Seliverstov A.

Generic-case complexity of the multiple subset sum problem. International Conference Polynomial Computer Algebra "2022, May 2-7, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2022, pp. 96-99.
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2022 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

On the Significance of Parameters in the Choice and Collection Schemata in the 2nd Order Peano Arithmetic. Preprints, 2022, no 2022120255. DOI: 10.20944/preprints202212.0255.v2
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2022 year
Authors: Kanovei V.

On sets that hereditarily belong to countable OD sets.
European Set Theory Conference 2022.
Department of Mathematics of the University of Turin and the European Set Theory Society,
August 29 - September 2, 2022, Turin, Italy.
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2022 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

The parameterfree Comprehension does not imply the full Comprehension in the 2nd order Peano arithmetic. arXiv: 2209.07599 [math.LO], September 2022.
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2022 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

A model in which wellorderings of the reals appear at a given projective level. Axioms, 2022, 11(8), Article no 354. DOI: 10.3390/axioms11080354 (WoS Q2)
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2022 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

A model in which the Separation principle holds for a given effective projective Sigma-class. arXiv: 2204.03915 [math.LO], April 2022.
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2022 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

On the ‘definability of definable’ problem of Alfred Tarski, Part II. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2022, Vol. 375, No. 12, P. 8651–8686. DOI: 10.1090/tran/8710 (WoS Q2)
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2022 year
Authors: Kanovei V., Lyubetsky V.

A model in which the separation principle holds for a given effective projective Sigma-class. Axioms, 2022, 11, Issue 3, Paper no. 122. DOI 10.3390/axioms11030122 (WoS Q2)
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2022 year
Authors: Shilovsky G.

Lability of the Nrf2/Keap/ARE cell defense system in different models of cell aging and age-related pathologies. Biochemistry (Moscow), 2022, Vol. 87, Iss. 1, P. 70–85. DOI: 10.1134/S0006297922010060
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