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Monday, March 28, 17:30, IUM, room 304: Number theory seminar of the French-Russian Poncelet Laboratory and Number Theory Department of the Institute for Information Transmission Problems

Monday, March 28, 17:30, IUM, room 304 

Sergey Galkin (Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, the University of Tokyo)

"Fano and Mathieu".  

Abstract: There is a well-known construction of modular forms from conjugacy classed of Mathieu group M24. It is less known that G-Fano threefolds also naturally produce modular forms. Why these two lists of modular forms are so similar is the mystery. I'll also review other two appearances of Mathieu group in the context of K3 surfaces.



Seminar page (in Russian)  



28.03.2011 | Leonid Petrov


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