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International Mathematical Conference <<50 Years Of IITP>>, July 25 – 29, 2011, Moscow, Russia

International Mathematical Conference "50 Years Of IITP", July 25 – 29, 2011, Moscow, Russia


Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences organizes a conference to honor the 50th anniversary of the Institute. The areas of emphasis of the conference correspond to the main areas of the Institute’s academic activities and include:

Probability Theory

Information Theory

Mathematical Physics

Algebra and Number Theory

During the conference the annual International Dobrushin Prize will be awarded.

Submission of papers: Previously unpublished contributions across a broad range of topics in Mathematics and its applications related (but not limited) to the above topics are solicited. Submitted papers (not to exceed 6 pages) should be of sufficient detail to allow review by experts in the field. PDF files of papers should be submitted to mathconf@iitp.ru. The proceedings will be available at the conference.

Important dates:

Paper submission deadline May 10, 2011.

Notification of acceptance May 31, 2011.

Final papers due on June 20, 2011.

Deadline for registration July 1, 2011.

The conference will be held in Moscow, Russia. The registration fee is €150 and covers proceedings of the conference, coffee breaks and the conference banquet.


Already confirmed invited speakers:  S. Klainerman (Princeton University), I. Krichever (Columbia University and IITP), R.Mackay (Warwick University), G. Margulis (Yale University and IITP), A.Nemirovski (Georgia Tech), G. Olshanski (IITP), I. Shkredov (IITP), M. Sudan (MIT), A. Vershik (PDMI).



Conference Poster

Conference Page

02.04.2011 | Leonid Petrov


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