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DCCN-2007 Call for papers

Dear Colleagues,

We have the pleasure to inform you that the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences (IITP RAS) and the Institute of Information Technologies of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IIT-BAS) will organize the international workshop


to be held in September 10 - 12, 2007 in Moscow, Russia.

The idea of the Workshop supported by Moscow division of IEEE Communication Society is to assemble researchers from university laboratories and research institutions, working in the area of theory and applications of distributed computer and communication networks, and to discuss the perspectives of development and collaboration in this area. This Workshop will continue the series of Conferences in this direction, which took place in Former Soviet Union during 60 – 80th years, and the conferences “Distributed Computer and Communication Networks (DCCN)” held in Russia, Bulgaria and Israel during the last 12 years. Contributions are called on theoretical and applied studies. Topics of interest include the following:

  • Computer and communication network architecture optimization 
  • Performance and QoS evaluation, modelling and simulation of network protocols
  • Wireless networks: WPAN, WLAN and WMAN; wireless standards: IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15, IEEE 802.16, etc.
  • Protocols design (MAC, Routing) for mesh networks 
  • Internet and web applications and services
  • Application integration in distributed information systems
  • Regional wireless networks based on high altitude platforms

Presentations will be selected based on either an extended abstract of up to three pages or a full paper of up to six pages that should be sent via email to the workshop publicity chairman Dr. Irina Astafieva dccn@iitp.ru by August 10, 2007. Authors of accepted presentations will have the opportunity to publish either the extended abstract or the full paper in a proceedings volume. Extended abstracts and full papers should be prepared by MS Word (rtf file) or LaTeX2e (tex main file plus eps files of figures). With preparing their papers, authors must meet the following requirements: text width = 12 cm, text height = 18.5 cm, Times New Roman (12 pt for title and authors and 10 pt for the other text), single space. MS Word template is attached.
Co-chairs of organizing and program committee Prof. Vladimir Vishnevsky (IITP RAS), and Prof. Hristina Daskalova (IIT-BAS) are looking forward to hearing from you soon and to seeing you in Moscow. 

Sincerely yours,

Vladimir Vishnevsky,
Prof., Dr. of Computer Science,
Institute for Information Transmission Problems (http://www.iitp.ru/)
Russian Academy of Sciences
B. Karetny per. 19, Moscow, 127994, Russia
Tel./Fax: +7 495 694 69 94/+7 495 650 05 79

13.06.2007 | Dmitry Matsnev


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