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Arithmetic, geometry and coding theory

Seminar of the sector 4.1 IITP RAS and Poncelet French-Russian laboratory

06.03.2013 (Wednesday), 17:30, IUM, room 308


Marc Hindry (Paris VII, Laboratory Poncelet)

On the size of generators of solutions of some diophantine equations

We will discuss analogies between the group of units of a number field (e.g. integral solutions of the equation x2-dy2=1) and the group of rational points of an abelian variety over a global field (e.g. rational solutions of the equation y2=x3+ax+b). Both groups are finitely generated and there is a natural notion of size or height, so the central question is to estimate the minimal size of a set of generators.


page of seminar


06.03.2013 |


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