Grigori Olshanski
A picture
I am a principal research scientist in the Laboratory of Algebra and Number Theory at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
I am also a professor at the Igor Krichever Center for Advanced Studies, Skoltech (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology), and at the Faculty of Mathematics, HSE University
Contact info:
Email address olsh2007 AT gmail DOT com
Postal address Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Bolshoy Karetny 19, Moscow 127051, Russia
Phone (Director"s secretary) (+7 495) 650 42 25
Areas of expertise:
representation theory, algebraic combinatorics
Current research interests:
representations of infinite-dimensional groups and related problems in algebraic combinatorics and probability
Education and degrees:
1969 Diploma in Mathematics from the Moscow State University
1973 PhD in Mathematics (candidate of sciences, in Russian) from the Moscow State University. Advisor Alexandre Kirillov
Thesis: Representations of reductive groups over local nonarchimedean fields
1990 Second degree (doctor of sciences, in Russian) from the Steklov Mathematical Institute in St. Petersburg
Thesis: Unitary representations of infinite-dimensional classical groups pdf
Complete list of papers: pdf
My papers in arXiv: click here
My papers in Google Scholar:
My papers in zbMATH [open access]:*
Search of my papers in MathSciNet [subscription required]:
Because there are many different transliterations of my name in MathSciNet, I recommend to use the abridged form ol*anski*, g*
Alternatively, you may use my MR Author ID: 189402 (for papers since 1978) and 511324 (for old papers 1969-1978)
My first student work (1967) about a nontrivial commutative subalgebra in the algebra "pq-qp=1" generated by d/dx and x (three handwritten pages in Russian). pdf
My old (1990) long paper "Unitary representations of infinite-dimensional pairs (G,K) and the formalism of R. Howe". pdf
My D.Sci.Thesis (1989) "Unitary representations of infinite-dimensional classical groups" (in Russian, 271 pp). pdf
BOOK: A. Borodin and G. Olshanski, Representations of the infinite symmetric group. Cambridge University Press, 2017. Here is a preliminary version posted with publisher"s permission: pdf
Link to videos of talks given at the MIT conference "Representation Theory, Probability, and Symmetric Functions", August 22-24, 2019:
My teacher Alexandre Kirillov
Former PhD students:
Maxim Nazarov * , Professor at University of York
Andrei Okounkov *, Professor at Columbia University
Alexei Borodin *, Professor at MIT
Vladimir Ivanov, Independent University of Moscow
Leonid Petrov , Associate Professor at University of Virginia
Vadim Gorin , Associate Professor at University of California, Berkeley
Anton Osinenko,
Alexey Bufetov, Professor at Leipzig University
Nikita Safonkin, Postdoc at Leipzig University
* shared with Alexandre Kirillov
Alexei Borodin, Alexander I. Bufetov, Alexey Bufetov, Cesar Cuenca, Alexander Gnedin , Vadim Gorin, Vladimir Ivanov, Sergei Kerov , Eugene Lytvynov, Alexander Molev, Maxim Nazarov , Yuri Neretin, Andrei Okounkov , Anton Osinenko, Maria Christina Prati, Amitai Regev, Nikita Safonkin, Eugene Strahov, Anatoly Vershik
Materials of past courses and seminars (in Russian)
Записки курса "Группы и алгебры Ли и их представления", осень 2016. Составлены Марией Матушко и Анастасией Трофимовой (еще не отредактированы) pdf
Видеозапись этого курса есть на сайте НМУ
Seminar/course "Representations and probability (Fall 2013, in Russian)
Seminar "Analysis, probability, algebra" (Fall 2013, in Russian)"
Memorial website of Sergei Kerov (1946-2000)
Last modified: December 11, 2023