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2023 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

Bibliography converter from BibTEX format to AMSBIB format. Information Processes. 2023. Vol. 23, no. 4. P. 455–469.
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2022 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

Non-Sturmian sequences of matrices providing the maximum growth rate of matrix products, Automatica J. IFAC (2022), Nov. Vol. 145, Paper No. 110574, 10.
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2020 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

On the boundedness of infinite matrix products with alternating factors from two sets of matrices. ArXiv.org e-Print archive. 2020. October. 2010.03890
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2019 year
Authors: Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Chebotarev P.

Consensus in Asynchronous Multiagent Systems. III. Constructive Stability and Stabilizability. Automation and Remote Control, 2019, Vol. 80, No. 6, pp. 989-1015.
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2019 year
Authors: Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Chebotarev P.

Consensus in Asynchronous Multiagent Systems. II. Method of Joint Spectral Radius. Automation and Remote Control, 2019, Vol. 80, No. 5, pp. 791-812.
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2019 year
Authors: Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Chebotarev P.

Consensus in Asynchronous Multiagent Systems. I. Asynchronous Consensus Models. Automation and Remote Control, 2019, Vol. 80, No. 4, pp. 593-623.
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2019 year
Authors: Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Chebotarev P.

Consensus in asynchronous multiagent systems. II // Autom. Remote Control. 2019, Vol. 80, No. 6, pp. 989-1015
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2019 year
Authors: Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Chebotarev P.

Consensus in asynchronous multiagent systems. II // Autom. Remote Control. 2019. Vol. 80, no. 5. P. 791--812.
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2019 year
Authors: Kozyakin V., Kuznetsov N., Chebotarev P.

Consensus in asynchronous multiagent systems. I // Autom. Remote Control. 2019. Vol. 80, no. 4. P. 593–623.
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2019 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

Caution, DOI! Bibliographic detective story in the era of digitalization, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2019, Vol. 64, No. 12, pp. 1523-1526.
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2019 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

Minimax joint spectral radius and stabilizability of discrete-time linear switching control systems // Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B. 2019. Vol. 24, no. 8. P. 3537–3556.
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2018 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

On convergence of infinite matrix products with alternating factors from two sets of matrices, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 9216760, 5 pages
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2017 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

Minimax theorem for the spectral radius of the product of non-negative matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65:11, 2356-2365, 2017
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2016 year
Authors: Asarin E., Cervelle J., Degorre A., Dima C., Horn F., Kozyakin V.

Entropy Games and Matrix Multiplication Games, 33rd Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, (STACS 2016). Ed. by N. Ollinger, H. Vollmer. Vol. 47 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs). Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2016. P. 11:1–11:14.
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2016 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

Hourglass alternative and the finiteness conjecture for the spectral characteristics of sets of non-negative matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 489 (2016), 167-185.
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2016 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

Hardy type asymptotics for cosine series in several variables with decreasing power-like coefficients, International Journal of Advanced Research in Mathematics, 2016, Vol. 5, pp. 35-51.
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2015 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

Constructive stability and stabilizability of positive linear discrete-time switching systems, ArXiv.org e-Print archive, 1511.05665, 2015, pp. 1-11.
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2015 year
Authors: Kozyakin V.

On the asymptotics of cosine series in several variables with power coefficients, Journal of Comunications Technology and Electronics, 60(12):1441-1444, December 2015
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