"Problem of combinatorial computation of rational Pontryagin classes". Doctor of science thesis (profound scientific research work required for attaining higher academic positions or professorships in the former Soviet Union). Summary (34 pages, in Russian). To be defended in Steklov Mathematical Institute on 23 December 2010. Download (431.8 KB)
"Problem of combinatorial computation of rational Pontryagin classes". Doctor of science thesis (profound scientific research work required for attaining higher academic positions or professorships in the former Soviet Union). Full text (341 pages, in Russian). To be defended in Steklov Mathematical Institute (Moscow) on 23 December 2010. Download (1.5 MB)
"Configuration spaces, bistellar moves, and combinatorial formulae for the first Pontryagin class", Proc. Stekl. Inst. Math., 268 (2010), 70-86 Go to publicationDownload (281.6 KB)
"A minimal triangulation of complex projective plane admitting a chess colouring of four-dimensional simplices", Proc. Stekl. Math. Inst. 266:1 (2009), 29-48 Go to publication
"Combinatorial realisation of cycles" (in Russian). Candidate of science thesis (Ph.D. equivalent in the former Soviet Union). Advisor: V.M. Buchstaber. Summary (12 pages). Defended in Moscow State University 6 June 2008. Download (344.1 KB)
"Combinatorial realisation of cycles" (in Russian). Candidate of science thesis (Ph.D. equivalent in the former Soviet Union). Full text (121 pages). Advisor: V.M. Buchstaber. Defended in Moscow State University 6 June 2008. Download (675.6 KB)
"The manifold of isospectral symmetric tridiagonal matrices and realization of cycles by aspherical manifolds", Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 263 (2008), 38-56 Go to publication
"Integrability of m-valued dynamics by means of singly generated m-valued groups", Russ. Math. Surv., 2007, 62 (1), 181–183. Go to publicationDownload (309.7 KB)
"Explicit construction of manifolds realising prescribed homology classes", Russ. Math. Surv., 2007, 62 (6), 1199–1201. Go to publicationDownload (304.2 KB)
"Computation of characteristic classes of a manifold from a triangulation of it", Russ. Math. Surv., 2005, 60 (4), 615–644. Go to publicationDownload (459.7 KB)