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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): March 04, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): March 04, 2:30 pm. Oleg Orlov. The place of lipids in vision
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): February 11, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): February 11, 2:30 pm. Maxim Mezheritsky. The effect of flight on the phonotaxis of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus: the role of serotonin
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): February 4, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): February 4, 2:30 pm. Dmitry Lapshin, Dmitry Vorontsov. Spatial characteristics of the auditory system in mosquitoes
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): January 28, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): January 28, 2:30 pm. Sergey Kondrashev. Color perception in mating behavior of toads
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): January 21, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): January 21, 2:30 pm. Dmitry Lapshin, Dmitry Vorontsov. Study of the spatial and frequency characteristics of auditory receptors in female blood-sucking mosquitoes
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): January 14, 10:00 am

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): January 14, 10:00 am. Ilia Lossev. The architecture of Deep Learning neural networks for solving visual problems.
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): December 24, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): December 24, 2:30 pm. Gary Zenkin. General theory of the visual field and paradoxes of vision. Discussion and questions.
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): December 17, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): December 17, 2:30 pm. Gary Zenkin. General theory of the visual field and paradoxes of vision.
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): December 10, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): December 10, 2:30 pm. Vladimir Bastakov. Color perception during prey recognition in green toad Bufo viridis (Laurenti, 1768)
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): December 3, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): December 3, 2:30 pm. Oleg Orlov. "Bongard Today". Looking back and looking ahead.
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): November 26, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): November 26, 2:30 pm. Lidiya Shestopalova. Negative mismatch and spatial hearing
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): November 19, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): November 19, 2:30 pm. Varvara Vedenina. Multimodal mating signals: evolution, genetics and physiology. Review of the articles in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): November 12, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): November 12, 2:30 pm. Nikolay Bibikov. The history of mammalian cochlea research from ancient times to the present day
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): November 5, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): November 5, 2:30 pm. Elena Rodionova. Transplanted tumor hepatocarcinoma H33 growth dynamics in mice and changes in urine odor
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): October 8, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): October 8, 2:30 pm. Tatiana Tarasova. Analysis of acoustic and morphological features in the locust group Stenobothrus eurasius Zubowsky (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Gomphocerinae): revision of the taxonomic status and description of the hybrid population
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): October 1, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): October 1, 2:30 pm. Nika Lavrova. The relationship between heartbeat changes and electrical activity of the cerebral cortex during sleep and wakefulness in humans and animals. A review.
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): September 24, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): September 24, 2:30 pm. Leo Schestacov. Vibrational orientation of the Dwarf sand boa (Eryx miliaris). First observations and development of a study method.
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): September 17, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): September 17, 2:30 pm. Alexey Aliper. Colour properties of sustained ganglion cells of the fish retina projecting to the optic tectum
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): August 6, 2:30 pm

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): August 6, 2:30 pm. Vladimir Antonets. Measurement of quantitative characteristics of perception using a motor human-computer interface Hand tracker
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Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): July 24, 11:00 am

Lab. ¹8 seminar (an online ZOOM conference): July 24, 11:00 am. Archil Kezeli. Behavioral methods for studying the visual function in animals.
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