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2018 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Tables, bounds and graphics of sizes of complete arcs in the plane PG(2,q) for all q ≤ 321007 and sporadic q in [323761 ... 430007] obtained by an algorithm with fixed order of points (FOP), electronic publication, arXiv:11404.0469[math.CO], 111 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, 92 references, January 2018
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2017 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

On Almost Complete Subsets of a Conic in PG(2, q), Completeness of Normal Rational Curves and Extendability of Reed-Solomon Codes, electronic publication, arXiv:1609.05657[math.CO], 39 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables, 23 references, December 2017
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2017 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Tables, bounds and graphics of short linear codes with covering radius 3 and codimension 4 and 5, electronic publication, arXiv:1712.07078 [cs.IT], 22 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, 24 references, December 2017
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2017 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

New Bounds for Linear Codes of Covering Radius 2. In: Proceedings of 5th International Castle Meeting, ICMCTA 2017, Coding Theory and Applications, Vihula, Estonia, August 28–31, 2017, Angela I. Barbero, Vitaly Skachek, Oyvind Ytrehus (Eds.) pp. 1-10, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10495, 2017, Springer, Cham
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2017 year
Authors: Afanassiev V., Davydov A.

Weight Spectrum of Quasi-Perfect Binary Codes with Distance 4, Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 25--30, 2017, Aachen, Germany, pp. 2193--2197, ISBN 978-1-5090-4096-4, ISSN 2157-8117
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2017 year
Authors: Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Further results on binary codes obtained by doubling construction, Proceedings Eighth International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, OC2017 (in Second International Conference “Mathematics Days in Sofia”), July 10-14, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.73-80, 2017
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2017 year
Authors: Davydov A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Upper bounds on the smallest size of an almost complete cap in PG(N,q), Proceedings Eighth International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics , OC2017 (in Second International Conference “Mathematics Days in Sofia”), July 10-14, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 67-72, 2017
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2017 year
Authors: Afanassiev V., Davydov A., Zigangirov D.

Estimating the Fraction of Erasure Patterns Correctable by Linear Codes, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2017, vol. 62, No. 6, pp. 669–685
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2017 year
Authors: Davydov A., Faina G., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete cap in PG(N,q), N ≥ 3, under a certain probabilistic conjecture, electronic publication, arXiv:1706.01941 [math.CO], 22 pages, 42 references, 3 figures , June 2017
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2017 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Conjectural upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete cap in PG(N, q), N ≥ 3, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, vol. 57, Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, pp. 15–20, 2017
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2017 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete cap in PG(3, q) and PG(4, q), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, vol. 57, Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, pp. 21–26, 2017
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2017 year
Authors: Afanassiev V., Davydov A.

Weight Spectrum of Quasi-Perfect Binary Codes with Distance 4, electronic publication, arXiv:1703.04106v2 [cs.IT], 5 pages, 11 references, 2 tables, June 2017
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2017 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Upper bounds on the smallest size of a saturating set in projective planes and spaces of even dimension, electronic publication, arXiv:1702.07939 [math.CO], 14 pages, 34 references, 1 figure, February 2017
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2016 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Conjectural upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete cap in PG(N,q), N>=3, in Proceedings XV Int. Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT2016, Albena, Bulgaria, June 18--24, 2016, pp. 27--34.
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2016 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete cap in PG(3; q) and PG(4; q), in Proceedings XV Int. Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT2016, Albena, Bulgaria, June 18--24, 2016, pp. 19--26.
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2016 year
Authors: Afanassiev V., Davydov A., Zigangirov D.

Design and Analysis of Codes with Distance 4 and 6 Minimizing the Probability of Decoder Error,Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2016, vol. 61, No. 12, pp. 1440–1455
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2016 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Tables, bounds and graphics of the smallest known sizes of complete caps in the spaces PG(3,q) and PG(4,q), electronic publication, arXiv:1610.09656[math.CO], 26 pages, October 2016
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2016 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

New Upper Bounds on the Smallest Size of a Saturating Set in a Projective Plane, Proceedings of 2016 XV International Symposium "Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems" (REDUNDANCY), 26-29 September 2016, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. pp. 18-22.
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2016 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Further results on multiple coverings of the farthest-off points, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, doi:10.3934/amc.2016030, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 613-632, 2016
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2016 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete arc in a finite Desarguesian projective plane based on computer search, DOI: 10.1007/s00022-015-0277-z, Journal of Geometry, vol. 107, no. 1, pp. 89-117, 2016
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2016 year
Authors: Davydov A., Faina G., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

On constructions and parameters of symmetric configurations v_k, Designs Codes Cryptography, DOI 10.1007/s10623-015-0070-x, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 125-147, 2016
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2015 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Tables, bounds and graphics of sizes of complete lexiarcs in the plane PG(2, q) for all q ≤ 301813 and sporadic q in the interval [301897 . . . 430007] obtained by an algorithm with fixed order of points (FOP), electronic publication, arXiv:1404.0469v2[math.CO], 114 pages, July 2015
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2015 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Tables, bounds and graphics of the smallest known sizes of complete arcs in the plane PG(2,q) for all q ≤ 160001 and sporadic q in the interval [160801...430007], electronic publication, arXiv:1312.2155v3 [math.CO], 85 pages, June 2015
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2015 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Multiple coverings of the farthest-off points with small density from projective geometry, Advances in Mathematics for Communications, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 63-85, 2015.
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2015 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

New types of estimates for the smallest size of complete arcs in a finite Desarguesian projective plane, Journal of Geometry, 2015, vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 1-17
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2014 year
Authors: Kreshchuk A., Zyablov V.

Kreshchuk A.A., Zyablov V.V. Generalized concatenated system with embedded space-time codes for MIMO systems // Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2014. Ò. 59. ¹ 12. Ñ. 1489–1500.
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2014 year
Authors: Kreshchuk A., Zyablov V.

Kreshchuk A., Zyablov V. Embedded space-time block codes for concatenated systems // 2014 XIV International Symposium on Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems. 2014.
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2014 year
Authors: Kreshchuk A., Zyablov V., Ryabinkin E.

Kreshchuk A., Zyablov V., Ryabinkin E. A new iterative decoder for product codes // Fourteenth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory ACCT2014. — 2014. — Pp. 211–214.
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2014 year
Authors: Kreshchuk A., Zyablov V.

Kreshchuk A., Zyablov V. Generalized concatenated MIMO system with GMD decoding // Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing (ISTC), 2014 8th International Symposium on. — Aug. 2014. — Pp. 259–263. — DOI: 10.1109/ISTC.2014.6955125.
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2014 year
Authors: Zhilin I., Rybin P., Ivanov F., Zyablov V.

Zhilin I., Rybin P., Ivanov F., Zyablov V., On the Decoding of Tail-Biting UM-LDPC Codes // Proc. of XIV International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory (ACCT 2014), September 07-13, 2014, Kaliningrad, Russia, pp. 336-341.
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2014 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete arc in PG(2,q) under a certain probabilistic conjecture, Problems of Information Transmission, 2014, vol. 50, no. 4, pp 320-339
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2014 year
Authors: Davydov A., Faina G., Giulietti M., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Tables of parameters of symmetric configurations v_k, electronic publication, arXiv:1312.3837v2 [math.CO], 38 pages, September 2014
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2014 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Tkachenko I.

Upper bounds on the smallest sizes of a complete arc in PG(2,q) based on computer search, in Proceedings XIV International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT2014, Svetlogorsk , Russia, 2014,32-40
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2014 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Conjectural upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete arc in PG(2,q) based on an analysis of step-by-step greedy algorithms, in Proceedings XIV International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT2014, Svetlogorsk , Russia, 2014, 24-31
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2014 year
Authors: Afanassiev V., Davydov A.

Incremental calculation of decoding failure probability for iterative decoding of Reed-Solomon product code, in Proceedings XIV International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT2014, Svetlogorsk , Russia, 2014, 7-13
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2014 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Tables of sizes of small complete arcs in the plane PG(2, q), q ≤ 410009, electronic publication, arXiv:1312.2155v2 [math.CO], 89 pages, August 2014
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2014 year
Authors: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Marcugini S., Pambianco F.

Tables of sizes of random complete arcs in the plane PG(2,q), electronic publication, arXiv:1405.5862 [math.CO], 37 pages, 2014
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