On pointlike interaction betwen three particles: two fermions and another particle // ISRN Mathematical Physics, vol. 2012, article 10, 230245, p. 1-18 Перейти к публикации
Теория рассеяния для некоторого класса двучастичных операторов математической физики (случай слабого взаимодействия); совм. с Е.А. Акчуриным; Изв.РАН, Мат. серия, т. 76, №6
Spectral expansion of the Transfer Matrices of Gibbs Fields. // Reviews in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. Vol. 2, part 2. Cambridge Scientific Publishers (in press)
Discrete-time random motion in a continiuous random medium // Stochastic Processes and their Applications 119 (2009) 3285-3299
[совм. с C. Boldrighini, A. Pellegrinotti]
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Object extraction using a stochastic birth-and death dynamic in continuum.// Journal of mathematical imaging and vision. DOI10.1007/s 10851-008-0117-y 2008
(совместно с Yu. Kondratiev, E. Zhizhina) Selforganizing birth-and-death stochastic systems in continuum.// Rev. Math. Phys. Vol. 20, 4 (2008), pp.451-492.
2008 г.
Авторы: Minlos R., Boldrighini C., Kondratiev Yu., Pellegrinotti A., Zhizhina E.
Jumps of particle in continuum random enviroment .//Markov process and related fields. 2008.
Asymptotic decay of correlations for random walk in ineraction with a Markov field // Moscow Mathematical Journal, Vol 5, n. 3, 2005, pp. 507-522
[together with C. Boldrighini, F.Nardi and A. Pellegrinotti]
The spectrum of two-particle bound states for the Gibbsian f ields (the fields on 2dimensional lattice) // Functional Anal. and Appl. (in Russian) Vol.39, N1,2005, pp39-55 [together with E. Lakshtanov]
The spectrum of two-particle bound states for the transfer-matrix of Gibbsian fields(an isolated bound state) // Functional Anal. and Appl. (in Russian) vol.38, n.3, 2004, pp. 202-214 [together with E. Lakshtanov]
2004 г.
Авторы: Минлос Р.А., Болдригини К., Пелигринотти А.
Random walks in quenched i.i.d. space-time random environment are always a.s. diffusive
// Prob. Theor. Relat. Fields, 129, 2004, pp. 133-156
2003 г.
Авторы: Минлос Р.А., Бетц В., Хиросима Ф., Лоринчи Дж., Шпон Г.
Ground state properties of the Nel’son Hamiltonian-A Gibbs measure-based approach
// in Rev. in Math. Phys., vol.14, n. 2
The infrared behavior in Nel’son model of a quantum particle coupled to a massless scalar field.
// Annals of Inst. of H. Poincare, 3, 2002, pp.269-295
Leading Branches of the transfer-matrix spectrum for lattice spin systems (quasi-particles of different species)
// J. St. Phys., vol.108, n 5/6, 2002, pp. 885-904.
2002 г.
Авторы: Минлос Р.А., Бетц В., Хирошима Ф., Лоринчи Дж., Шпон Г.
Ground state properties of the Nel’son Hamiltonian-A Gibbs measure-based approach
//Rev. in Math. Phys., vol.14, n. 2, 2002, pp.173-198
The infrared behavior in Nel’son" s model of a quantum particle coupled to a massless scalar field // Annals of Inst. of H. Poincare. , 3, 2002, pp.269-295
[H.Spohn, J.Lorinchi]
Ground state euclidean measures for quantum lattice systems on compact manifolds // Report on Math.Phys., vol.45, N 3, 2000, pp. 419-429
[together with S.Albeverio, Yu.G. Kondratiev, G.V. Shchepanuk]
One-and two-particle branches of spectrum of "many components" operators. // CMS. Proceedings of conf. in honor of S.Albeverio. Vol.28, 2000, pp. 271-182
One-particle branch of spectrum of Hamiltonian of lattice weak-coupling field with values on two-dimensional sphere // J.Math.Phys. v.41, 2000, pp. 1-23
[together with N.Angelescu, V.A. Zagrebnov]
Uniqueness problem for quantum lattice system with compact spins. // Letters in Math. Phys. 52, 2000, pp. 184-195
[together with S.Albeverio, Yu.G.Kondratiev, G.V.Shchepan"uk]
2000 г.
Авторы: Минлос Р.А., Кондратьев Ю.Г., Щепанюк Г.В., Рокнер М.
Exponential mixing for classical continuous systems.//
CMS, Proceedings of conf. in honor of S.Albeverio, vol 28., 2000, pp. 243-254
Cental limit theorem for random walk in dynamical environment: integral and local. // Theory of Stochastic Processes,vol 5(21), n. 3-4, 1999,
pp. 16-28 [together with C.Boldrighini, A. Pellegrinotti]