Shadowing property re(al)visited
Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations,
Moscow, Russia, June 28 – July 5, 2022. pp.18-20. Перейти к публикацииЗагрузить (170.2 KB)
Recurrence for general Markov chains and semigroups of measurable maps.
Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020. from August 24th to August 28th 2020. Перейти к публикации
Topological properties of measurable semigroup actions.
Topology, Geometry, and Dynamics: Rokhlin - 100
Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Vladimir Abramovich Rokhlin,
August 19-23, 2019, pp.22-23. Перейти к публикации
Topological, metric (Harris) and Poincare recurrences for general Markov chains.
IX Moscow International Conference on Operations Research (ORM2018), Moscow, October 22-27, 2018. Proceedings, Vol.1, 325-328.
Non-ergodicity and non-Markovianity of some simple traffic flow models.
IX Moscow International Conference on Operations Research (ORM2018), Moscow, October 22-27, 2018. Proceedings, Vol.1, 269-272
Abundance of typical points in measurable dynamics,
International Conference Contemporary mathematics in honor of the
80th birthday of Vladimir Arnold, Moscow, December 18-23, 2017.
Dynamical Averaging with Respect to a Non-Invariant Measure"",
Book of abstracts. The 8th International Conference on Differential
and Functional Differential Equations, Moscow, August 13-20, 2017 (DFDE-2017), p.27.
Typical points in chaotic dynamics,
Book of abstracts. International conference “Anosov Systems and Modern Dynamics”,
Moscow, December 19–23, 2016, pp.16-19.
On ergodic averaging with and without invariant measure,
Proceedings of VIII Moscow International Conference on Operations Research
(ORM 2016) 17-22.10.16, p.208-209.
Fresh look at fair division problems: case with a massive discrete component,
Proceedings of VIII Moscow International Conference on Operations Research
(ORM 2016) 17-22.10.16, p.89-90.
Massive/meager sets of typical points,
Mathematics, Theoretical Physics and Data Science 2016 (dedicated to anniversaries
of Yakov Sinai and Grigory Margulis). July 5-7, (2016).
The Problem of Fair Division for a Hybrid Resource,
Problemy Peredachi Informacii, 52:3(2016), 108-116.
Problems of Information Transmission, 52:3(2016), 201-209.
Ergodic properties of a chaotic collective walk governed by Anosov maps,
Book of abstracts. The Seventh International Conference on Differential
and Functional Differential Equations, August 22-29, 2014 (DFDE-2014)
Exclusion processes in models of transport flows,
Introduction in mathematical modeling of transport flows,
ed. A.V.Gasnikov (Second edition, revised and enlarged),
M:MCNMO, 2013, pp.200-225
Local mean-field type perturbations of chaotic dynamical systems,
International Conference "Analysis and Singularities" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Vladimir Igorevich Arnold. Abstracts, Moscow 2012, 120-123.
Ergodicity of a collective random walk on a continuous circle,
Probability theory and its applications,
In Commemoration of the Centennial of B.V.Gnedenko, June 26-30, 2012, Book of Abstracts, 2012, 81-83.
Exclusion processes with synchronous updates in transport flows modeling,
In ``Introduction to mathematical modeling of traffic flows"",
ed. A.V.Gasnikov i dr., M: MFTI, 2010, 385 с., ISBN 978-5-7417-0334-2
Ergodic properties of exclusion type discrete time processes in continuum, Modern problems of mathematics, mechanics and their applications, 2009, 243.
Finite rank approximations of expanding maps with neutral singularities, Discrete and Continuous Dyn. Systems, Ser A, 21:3(2008),749-762. [arXiv:0709.2564 math.DS]
Finite rank approximations of chaotic systems with neutral singularities,
International Conference “Analysis and Singularities” dedicated to
the 70th anniversary of V.I.Arnold, Abstracts (2007), 122-124.