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2023 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Shadowing property for non-autonomous dynamical systems. Contemporary Mathematics. Fundamental Directions, 69:1 (2023), 50–61.
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2023 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Mathematika 69:2(2023), 349-365. https://doi.org/10.1112/mtk.12187
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2022 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Invariant measures of torus piecewise isometries. Advances in Mathematics 406 (17 September 2022), 108529
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2022 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Shadowing property re(al)visited Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations, Moscow, Russia, June 28 – July 5, 2022. pp.18-20.
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2021 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Recurrence for measurable semigroup actions. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A, 41:4(2021), 1649-1665. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2020335

2020 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Recurrence for general Markov chains and semigroups of measurable maps. Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020. from August 24th to August 28th 2020.
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2019 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Topological properties of measurable semigroup actions. Topology, Geometry, and Dynamics: Rokhlin - 100 Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Vladimir Abramovich Rokhlin, August 19-23, 2019, pp.22-23.
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2019 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Recurrence for free semigroups of measurable maps. Russian Mathematical Surveys, 74:4 (2019), 758-760.
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2019 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Topological and metric recurrence for general Markov chains. Moscow Math. J. 19:1(2019), 37–50.
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2018 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Topological, metric (Harris) and Poincare recurrences for general Markov chains. IX Moscow International Conference on Operations Research (ORM2018), Moscow, October 22-27, 2018. Proceedings, Vol.1, 325-328.

2018 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Non-ergodicity and non-Markovianity of some simple traffic flow models. IX Moscow International Conference on Operations Research (ORM2018), Moscow, October 22-27, 2018. Proceedings, Vol.1, 269-272

2017 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Ergodic averaging with and without invariant measures, Nonlinearity 30:12(2017), 4649-4664.

2017 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Abundance of typical points in measurable dynamics, International Conference Contemporary mathematics in honor of the 80th birthday of Vladimir Arnold, Moscow, December 18-23, 2017.

2017 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Dynamical Averaging with Respect to a Non-Invariant Measure"", Book of abstracts. The 8th International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations, Moscow, August 13-20, 2017 (DFDE-2017), p.27.

2016 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

How to divide the indivisible, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 471:6(2016), 635–639. Doklady Mathematics, 94:3(2016), 688–691.

2016 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Typical points in chaotic dynamics, Book of abstracts. International conference “Anosov Systems and Modern Dynamics”, Moscow, December 19–23, 2016, pp.16-19.

2016 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

On ergodic averaging with and without invariant measure, Proceedings of VIII Moscow International Conference on Operations Research (ORM 2016) 17-22.10.16, p.208-209.

2016 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Fresh look at fair division problems: case with a massive discrete component, Proceedings of VIII Moscow International Conference on Operations Research (ORM 2016) 17-22.10.16, p.89-90.

2016 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Massive/meager sets of typical points, Mathematics, Theoretical Physics and Data Science 2016 (dedicated to anniversaries of Yakov Sinai and Grigory Margulis). July 5-7, (2016).

2016 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

The Problem of Fair Division for a Hybrid Resource, Problemy Peredachi Informacii, 52:3(2016), 108-116. Problems of Information Transmission, 52:3(2016), 201-209.

2016 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

On the Birkhoff theorem with respect to a non-invariant measure, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 71:3(2016), 199-200.

2016 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Self-Organization under the Action of a Random Force, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 466:3(2016), 257-260. Doklady Mathematics, 93:1(2016), 1–4.

2015 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Dynamics of alternating functions, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 461:2(2015), 131-135. Doklady Mathematics, 91:2(2015), 150-153.

2014 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Ergodic properties of a chaotic collective walk governed by Anosov maps, Book of abstracts. The Seventh International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations, August 22-29, 2014 (DFDE-2014)

2014 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Ergodicity of a collective random walk on a circle, Nonlinearity, 27:5 (2014) 953-971.

2013 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Unique ergodicity of a collective random walk, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 448:6(2013), 629-632.

2013 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Emergence of collective behavior in dynamical networks, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (DCDS-B), 18:2(2013), 313-329

2013 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Exclusion processes in models of transport flows, Introduction in mathematical modeling of transport flows, ed. A.V.Gasnikov (Second edition, revised and enlarged), M:MCNMO, 2013, pp.200-225

2012 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Local mean-field type perturbations of chaotic dynamical systems, International Conference "Analysis and Singularities" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Vladimir Igorevich Arnold. Abstracts, Moscow 2012, 120-123.

2012 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Stochastic stability of traffic maps, Nonlinearity, 25:12 (2012), 3389-3408.

2012 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Discrete Time TASEP in Heterogeneous Continuum, Markov Processes Relat. Fields 18(2012), 531-552

2012 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Condensation versus independence in weakly interacting CMLs, Intellectual Archive Bulletin, ISSN 1929-1329, July 2012, 17pp.

2012 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Ergodicity of a collective random walk on a continuous circle, Probability theory and its applications, In Commemoration of the Centennial of B.V.Gnedenko, June 26-30, 2012, Book of Abstracts, 2012, 81-83.

2012 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Nontrivial invariant measures and statistics for exclusion type processes, Doklady Akademii Nauk (Russia), 442:3(2012), 295-299.

2011 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Influence of obstacles to simple traffic flows, Ninth Internat. Conf. on Traffic and Granular Flows, Book of Abstracts, 2011, 324-327.

2011 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Exclusion type spatially heterogeneous processes in continuum, J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P06016

2011 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Self-Consistent Mappings and Systems of Interacting Particles, Doklady Akademii Nauk (Russia), 436:3(2011), 295-–298

2010 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Синхронно обновляемые процессы с запретами в моделях транспортных потоков ТРУДЫ МФТИ, 2:4(2010), 22-30.

2010 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Exclusion processes with synchronous updates in transport flows modeling, In ``Introduction to mathematical modeling of traffic flows"", ed. A.V.Gasnikov i dr., M: MFTI, 2010, 385 с., ISBN 978-5-7417-0334-2

2010 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Metric properties of discrete time exclusion type processes in continuum, J. Stat. Phys., 140:1(2010), 170-197

2010 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Collective phenomena in lattices of weakly interacting maps, Doklady Akademii Nauk (Russia), 430:3(2010), 300–-304

2009 г.
Авторы: Blank M.

Exclusion type processes in continuum, Dobrushin International Conference(Moscow) Proc., 2009, 21-26.

2009 г.
Авторы: Blank M.

Ergodic properties of exclusion type discrete time processes in continuum, Modern problems of mathematics, mechanics and their applications, 2009, 243.

2008 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Travelling with/against the Flow. Deterministic Diffusive Driven Systems, J. Statistical Physics, 133:4(2008), 773-796. [arXiv:0810.2205 math.DS]

2008 г.
Авторы: Blank M.

Finite rank approximations of expanding maps with neutral singularities, Discrete and Continuous Dyn. Systems, Ser A, 21:3(2008),749-762. [arXiv:0709.2564 math.DS]

2007 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

On quasi-successful couplings of Markov processes, Problemy Peredachi Informacii, 43:4(2007), 51-67(Rus), pp.316-330(Eng) [math.PR/0610118]

2007 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Finite rank approximations of chaotic systems with neutral singularities, International Conference “Analysis and Singularities” dedicated to the 70th anniversary of V.I.Arnold, Abstracts (2007), 122-124.

2006 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

On raw coding of chaotic dynamics, Problems of Information Transmission, 42:1(2006), 64-68

2006 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

M. L. Blank, Leonid Bunimovich, ``Long range action in networks of chaotic elements"", Nonlinearity 19:2 (2006) 329-344. [math.DS/0505610]

2005 г.
Авторы: Бланк М.Л.

Hysteresis phenomenon in deterministic traffic flows, J. Stat. Phys. 120: 3-4(2005), 627-658. [math.DS/0408240]

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