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Common news
Stochastic analysis and its applications

Stochastic analysis and its applications: conference in honor of Alexander Yu. Veretennikov’ 70th birthday: 3.03.2023, hybrid format
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Common news
Семинар Добрушинской математической лаборатории ИППИ РАН

Семинар Добрушинской математической лаборатории ИППИ РАН 7 декабря, вторник, 16:00. Zoom-подключение см. на сайте семинара: http://iitp.ru/ru/userpages/74/285.htm Victor Kleptsyn (Uni Rennes): Как ведут себя уголки случайных матриц при нулевой температуре?
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Common news
Obituary notice

On October 27 2019, an honorary professor of our institute Yorn Justesen sadly passed away at 76 years old
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Common news
Technology based on the results of fundamental research of IITP RAS will be demonstrated at the major industrial trade fair Hannover Messe

Visillect Service LLC, an IITP RAS small innovative enterprise, will participate in a Hannover Messe 2016 exhibition that will take place in Hannover, Germany from 25 to 29 April 2016.
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Common news
New high-sensitivity software for searching massive DNA databases

Anna Kaznadzey, a Junior Researcher at the Kharkevich Institute took part in working on NSimScan (Nucleotide Similarity Scanner). The computer program is specialized for searching massive DNA databases for distant similarities. Software description is published in Bioinformatics journal by Oxford University Press.
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Common news
Discrete conformal mappings and Riemann surfaces

Public lecture on the theoretical basis of Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing within the IITP Day of Mathematics: Alexander Bobenko (TU Berlin) "Discrete conformal mappings and Riemann surfaces". 27.01.2015 (Tuesday), 16:00, IITP, r.615
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Common news

DATADVANCE with the IITP RAS tows Airbus through structural testing on new A350
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Common news
Advances in Optimization and Statistics

International Workshop "Advances in Optimization and Statistics": 15,16.05.2014, IITP RAS, r.615.
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Common news

Yarbus-100, the International Symposium on the Role of Eye Movements in Vision – Yarbus-100. Latest news
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Common news

PreMoDay,mini-conference of PreMoLab young researchers: 21.02.2014 (Friday), r. 615 IITP RAS, 10:00-18:00.
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Common news
The International Symposium on the Role of Eye Movements in Vision

the International Symposium on the Role of Eye Movements in Vision "Yarbus-100" will be held on September 1-5, 2014, on the Volga river near Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, during the annual Young Scientists" School and Conference of the IITP RAS (Kharkevich Institute) ITaS’14.
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Common news
Dobrushin Mathematics Laboratory Seminar

Dobrushin Mathematics Laboratory Seminar: 19.11.2013 (Tuesday), 16:00, IITP, r.307. Sergei Adzhiev, Viktor Vedenyapin (KIAM) "Entropy by Boltzmann & Poincaré and Mark Kac`s Model"
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Common news
Dobrushin Mathematics Laboratory Seminar: 09.04.13 (Tuesday), 16:00, IITP, r.307

Dobrushin Mathematics Laboratory Seminar: 09.04.13 (Tuesday), 16:00, IITP, r.307
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Common news
Seminar on Coding Theory: 09.04.2013 (Tuesday), 19:00, IITP, r.307

Seminar on Coding Theory: 09.04.2013 (Tuesday), 19:00, IITP, r.307
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Common news
Seminar on Coding Theory: 19.03.2013 (Tuesday), 19:00, IITP, r.307

Seminar on Coding Theory: 19.03.2013 (Tuesday), 19:00, IITP, r.307
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Common news
PreMoDay February 2013

PreMoDay 2013: 22.02.2013 (Friday), 09:45 - 18:00, IITP RAS
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Common news
Yakov Sinai Receives 2013 AMS Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement

Yakov Sinai Receives 2013 AMS Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement
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Common news
The conference

The conference "Zeta functions" - november,19-23,2012, the IUM.
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Common news

The Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences 2012 is awarded to Maxim Kontsevich
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Common news

Kamil Zigangirov awarded ComSoc/IT Joint Paper Award
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Новостей на странице:    Page: 12



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