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Ïóáëèêàöèé íà ñòðàíèöå:    Page: 12345 ... 1011 12 ... 2425262728
2008 year
Authors: Lyakhov A., Safonov A., 128, 92, Seok Yongho

“Direct Transmission Protection in IEEE 802.11 Networks”, Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC"08), France, 2008

2008 year
Authors: Semenova O., P.A. Sergeev

Polling system with star-polling and limited service // Information Technologies and Systems (ITaS’08), 2008. P. 35-38.

2008 year
Authors: Semenova O., Lakontsev D.

Analysis of performance of metropolian area mesh network with polling // Distributed Computer and Communication Networks. Theory and Applications (DCCN-2008), Moscow: IITP RAS, 2008. P. 101-110.

2008 year
Authors: Semenova O., Petrochenkov V.V.

Polling system with impatient customers and exhaustive service // Distributed Computer and Communication Networks. Theory and Applications (DCCN-2008), Moscow: IITP RAS, 2008. P. 45-56.

2008 year
Authors: Kryazhimskiy S., Bazykin G., Plotkin J., Dushoff J.

Directionality in the Evolution of Influenza A Hemagglutinin. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (Biological Sciences) 275:2455–2464.
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2008 year
Authors: Semenova O., 128

The power-series algorithm for two-queue polling system with impatient customers // 15th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2008 and MACOM 2008 Workshop), Proceedings, Saint-Petersburg, 2008.

2008 year
Authors: 128, Lakontsev D., Safonov A., Shpilev S.

IEEE 802.11s mesh networks: technology and implementation. First mile. 2-3/2008, pp. 26-31

2008 year
Authors: 128, Lyakhov A., Safonov A., Mo S.S., Gelman A.D.

Study of Beaconing in Multi-Hop Wireless PAN with Distributed Control, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 7, issue 1, Jan 2008, pp.113-126

2008 year
Authors: Kryazhimskiy S., Bazykin G., Dushoff J.

[SPOTLIGHT] Natural selection for nucleotide usage at synonymous and non-synonymous sites in the influenza A genes. Journal of Virology 82(10): 4938-4945.
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2008 year
Authors: 128, Semenova O.

Adaptive dynamical polling in wireless networks // Cybernetics and Information Technologies. 2008. Vol. 8, No. 1. P. 3-11.

2008 year
Authors: 128, Safonov A., 92, Shim Eunsoo, Gelman Alexander

"Scalable Blind Search and Broadcasting over Distributed Hash Tables", Journal on Computer Communications, Elsevier, vol. 31, is. 2, pp. 292-303, Feb. 5, 2008
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2007 year
Authors: Lebedev D., Marshak D.

Amacrine cell contributions to red-green color opponency in central primate retina: A model study. // Visual Neuroscience, 2007, 24(4), p. 535–547.

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