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Upper bounds on the smallest size of a
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Upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete cap in PG(3; q) and PG(4; q), in Proceedings XV Int. Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT2016, Albena, Bulgaria, June 18--24, 2016,
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Tables, bounds and graphics of the smallest
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Zhilin I.V., Kreshchuk A.A., Zyablov V.V. Generalized error-locating codes and minimization of redundancy for specified input and output error probabilities // Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2015. Т. 60. № 6. С. 695–706. Перейти к публикации
Tables, bounds and graphics of sizes of complete lexiarcs in the plane PG(2, q) for all q ≤ 301813 and sporadic q in the interval [301897 . . . 430007] obtained by an algorithm
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Tables, bounds and graphics of the smallest known sizes of complete arcs in the plane PG(2,q) for all q ≤ 160001 and sporadic q in the interval [160801...430007], electronic publication, arXiv:1312.2155v3 [math.CO], 85 pages, June 2015
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Kreshchuk A.A., Zyablov V.V. Generalized concatenated system with embedded space-time codes for MIMO systems // Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2014. Т. 59. № 12. С. 1489–1500. Перейти к публикации
Kreshchuk A., Zyablov V. Embedded space-time block codes for concatenated systems // 2014 XIV International Symposium on Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems. 2014. Перейти к публикации
Kreshchuk A., Zyablov V., Ryabinkin E. A new iterative decoder for product codes // Fourteenth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory ACCT2014. — 2014. — Pp. 211–214.
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Kreshchuk A., Zyablov V. Generalized concatenated MIMO system with GMD decoding // Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing (ISTC), 2014 8th International Symposium on. — Aug. 2014. — Pp. 259–263. — DOI: 10.1109/ISTC.2014.6955125.
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Kreshchuk A., Zyablov V. Embedded space-time block codes for concatenated systems // Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems (REDUNDANCY), 2014 XIV International Symposium on. — June 2014. — Pp. 62–65. — DOI: 10.1109/RED.2014.7016707.
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Upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete arc in PG(2,q) under a certain probabilistic conjecture,
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2014 г.
Авторы: Bartoli D., Davydov A., Faina G., Kreshchuk A., Marcugini S., Pambianco F., Tkachenko I.
Upper bounds on the smallest sizes of a complete arc in PG(2,q) based on computer search, in Proceedings XIV International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT2014, Svetlogorsk , Russia, 2014,32-40 Перейти к публикацииЗагрузить (363.9 KB)
Conjectural upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete arc in PG(2,q) based on an analysis of step-by-step greedy algorithms, in Proceedings XIV International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT2014, Svetlogorsk , Russia, 2014, 24-31 Перейти к публикацииЗагрузить (188.6 KB)
Tables of sizes of small complete arcs in the plane PG(2, q), q ≤ 410009, electronic publication, arXiv:1312.2155v2 [math.CO], 89 pages, August 2014 Перейти к публикацииЗагрузить (760.3 KB)
Некоторые статистические демодуляторы для частотно-позиционного кодирования с быстрой перестройкой частот. Автоматика и телемеханика. 2013, № 10, С.: 109-118 Перейти к публикации
Tables of sizes of small complete arcs in the plane
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Two types of upper bounds on the smallest size of a complete arc in the plane PG(2,q),
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Коды для многоантенной передачи и приема на основе ортогональных последовательностей, Проблемы передачи информации, т. 47, вып. 4, сс. 3–26 (2011) Перейти к публикацииЗагрузить (1.3 MB)