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>> Seminar of the Sensory information proce... >> Previous seminars - 2016

22.12.2016 V.A. Antonets1,2, S.A. Polevaia1,3: Research of Alexander Vasilyevich Zeveke on Skin Analyzer

1 Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
2 Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy

15.12.2016 V.Yu. Vedenina (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): On the trip to the 12th International Congress of Orthopterology in Brazil and subsequent movements in the surrounding area

08.12.2016 E.M. Maximova (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): Stratification of axonal terminals of the retinal ganglion cells in the goldfish tectum: refinement

01.12.2016 O.Yu. Orlov, V.A. Bastakov, P.V. Maximov (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): Colour coding in the frog visual system

24.11.2016 Nikolay Bibikov (N.N. Andreyev Acoustics Institute): What do the auditory pathway neurons respond to?

10.11.2016 Nika Lavrova (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): On the 23rd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society in Bologna and the ITAS 2016 Conference in St.-Petersburg

03.11.2016 S.L. Kondrashev (IMB FEB RAS), P.V. Maximov, A.T. Aliper: Report about the Visionarium-XV conference (21-23.10.2016, Tvärminne, Hanko, Finland)

27.10.2016 L. Schestacov: On results of the "Biotremology 2016" conference

20.10.2016 M. Bangura: Research in the field of cognitive psychology - a review

13.10.2016 Ivan Pigarev, Ekaterina Levichkina: "Tuning to the absolute depth in the cat primary visual cortex observed in natural conditions" - a story about this research and a history of an article with the same name in the "Frontiers in Neuroscience" journal

02.06.2016 Ivan Pigarev, George Fedorov, Ekaterina Levichkina, Nika Lavrova: A heuristic method for component analysis of evoked responses

26.05.2016 Elena Rodionova (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): Dogs as oncodetectors: peculiarities of use

21.04.2016 Oleg Orlov, Vladimir Bastakov (Lab. 8 IITP RAS), Sergey Kondrashev (head of the Laboratory of Physiology, IMB FEB RAS): Encoding of information about color in the visual system of the grass frog (Rana temporaria L.)

14.03.2016 Elena Maximova, Alexey Aliper, Ilija Damjanović, Paul Maximov, Vadim Maximov (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): Features of fish retinotectal projections

24.03.2016 Ivan Pigarev (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): How do sleep studies conducted at the IITP change the view of the functional organization of the nervous system

10.03.2016 Alexey Aliper (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): Ganglion cells with sustained activity in the fish retina. Features and possible mechanisms.

03.03.2016 Oleg Orlov (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): “Unknown Gelfand”: biophysics of complex systems, ‘emergence’, and evolution

25.02.2016 Marina Kochevalina (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): Changes in the individual odor of the organism associated with the development of cancer: building a database

04.02.2016 Elena Tolmacheva (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): Features of visual illusions in children of primary school age at norm and development disorder

28.01.2016 Tatyana Podugolnikova (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): Identification of visual impairments affecting learning


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Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: February 13, 4:00 pm, b...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: January 30, 4:00 pm, sm...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: January 23, 4:00 pm, sm...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: December 19, 2:30 pm, r...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: December 12, 2:30 pm, r...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: December 5, 2:30 pm, ro...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: November 21, 2:30 pm, s...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: November 7, 2:30 pm, ro...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: October 24, 2:30 pm, SI...
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