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>> Seminar of the Sensory information proce... >> Previous seminars - 2019

19.12.2019 Paul Maximov (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): A method for determining the responsive receptive field center and boundaries by the use of flashing spots and its improvement

17.10.2019 Victor Selionov (Lab. 9 IITP RAS): On the nature of stepping automatism in humans (various methods of nonspecific activation of walking activity under unloading conditions in humans)

23.05.2019 Victor Govardovskii (Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry): Biophotons and visual phenomena

25.04.2019 Nikita Sevastyanov, Varvara Vedenina (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): International Congress of orthopterology in Morocco, 24-28 March 2019: science and a bit of entertainment

04.04.2019 Alexandra Limanskaya (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): On the work of cortical and hippocamal neurons in the sleep-wake cycle - unexpected results obtained by neuroimaging methods

28.03.2019 Elena M. Maximova (Lab. 8 IITP RAS): Tectum and its role in behaviour organization. Review of our research and literature data.

21.03.2019 Alexey S. Opaev (SIEE RAS): Singing of passerine songbirds: the structure, evolution and role in communication

28.02.2019 Dmitry Lapshin (Lab. 8 IITP RAS), Dmitry Vorontsov (Koltzov Institute of Developmental Biology, Developmental neurobiology lab.): Hearing of swarming mosquitoes: behavioral and electrophysiological studies

21.02.2019 I.N. Pigarev, I.I. Busygina, V.D. Lavrova, M.L. Pigareva, A.N. Limanskaya, E.V. Levichkina, N.G. Bibikov, E.M. Rutskova: Investigation of the connection of the hippocampal neurons with the external world and visceral organs in the sleep-wake cycle. Preliminary report on the results of the completed RFBR project.

31.01.2019 Gary Zenkin (Lab. 11 IITP RAS): Psychophysical studies of the visual field stability mechanisms

24.01.2019 Nikolay Bibikov (N.N. Andreyev Acoustics Institute): Evaluation of postspike changes in excitability by comparing normal and shifted autocorrelation function

17.01.2019 Ivan Pigarev (Lab. 8 of the IITP RAS), Marina Pigareva (Neuroontogenesis Lab of the IHNA&NPh), Ekaterina Levichkina (Lab. 8 of the IITP RAS): On the possible mechanism of certain types of epilepsy and the anticonvulsant action of the vagus nerve stimulation in the light of new sleep studies


Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: June 06, 2:30 pm, SIEE ...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: May 16, 2:30 pm, SIEE R...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: April 11, 2:30 pm, SIEE...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: March 28, 14:30, SIEE R...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: February 15, 2:30 pm. S.M. Nikiforov (GPI RAS). A dog and mass spectrometer in dise...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: February 8, 2:30 pm. Leo Schestacov. Prospects for using data on insect vibrational...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: January 25, 2:30 pm. Sergey L. Kondrashev (IITP RAS, NSCMB FEB RAS). Mysteries of c...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: December 14, 2:30 pm. Danila Gorunov (SIEE RAS). Information transmission in...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: December 07, 2:30 pm. Pavel Chochia. The history of research in the Laboratory for ...
Lab. ¹8 seminar: November 30, 2:30 pm. W.L. Dunin-Barkowski. On the mechanisms of small brain...
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