>> Seminar of the Sensory information proce... >> Previous seminars - 2021
16.12.2021 Tatiana Tarasova, Nikita Sevastianov, Varvara Vedenina. Selectivity to acoustic signals differs in females of two closely related locust species from the group Stenobothrus eurasius
09.12.2021 Daria Gutsenko. Processing of visceral signals by the cerebral cortex depending on the localization of electrical activity of the gastrointestinal tract during sleep
25.11.2021 Elena Maximova, Alexey Aliper, Ilija Damjanović, Alisa Zaichikova, and Paul Maximov. Tectal superficial inhibitory neurons (SINs)
11.11.2021 Oleg Orlov, Elena Rodionova. «Ivan in my life». We continue the conversation about Ivan Nikolaevich Pigarev and the Laboratory of sensory information processing of the IITP RAS
04.11.2021 Paul Maximov. What could the shapes of the spikes recorded from the fish tectum tell us about?
21.10.2021 In memory of Ivan Pigarev (17.03.1941 – 14.07.2021)
27.05.2021 Ivan Pigarev. A surprisingly strong and persistent somatosensory illusion in the oral cavity, demonstrating once again that sensations are largely based on information from memory, and not on current signals from exteroreceptors
13.05.2021 Daria Gutsenko. Investigation of the luminescence of color centers of the silicon carbide crystal by high-resolution IR spectroscopy. Magnetometric applications
22.04.2021 Tatiana Podugolnikova. Distribution of vergent function impairments affecting learning when working at close range in first-graders with normal visual acuity
15.04.2021 Alexandr Kasumyan (Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Prof, Head of the Chair of Ichtiology of the Biological Faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University). Taste preferences in fish
08.04.2021 Ivan Pigarev, N.G. Bibikov, A.V. Limanskaya, I.I. Busygina. Activity of neurons of the auditory cortex of a cat in the wake-sleep cycle in the context of the visceral sleep theory
01.04.2021 Roman Nazarov (SIEE RAS; Zoological Museum of the Lomonosov Moscow State University). The main trends and problems of the formation of the vocal repertoire in reptiles on the example of geckos
18.03.2021 Elena Maximova (Leading researcher, IITP RAS, Lab. 8). Some parallels and discrepancies between visual signals entering the tectum opticum of fish and mice
11.03.2021 In memory of Mikhail Smirnov (1921-2008)
04.03.2021 Oleg Orlov (Lab. 8 IITP RAS). The place of lipids in vision. A biophysical story
25.02.2021 Vladimir Olshanskiy (Dr.Sci., Senior researcher, SIEE RAS, Laboratory for behaviour of lower vertebrates). The evolutionary history of electric fish research - review by Bernd Kramer with comments https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-805408-6.00027-0
11.02.2021 Maxim Mezheritsky (post-graduate student at the Laboratory of developmental neurobiology of the IDB RAS). The effect of flight on the phonotaxis of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus: the role of serotonin
04.02.2021 Dmitry Lapshin (Lab. 8 IITP RAS), Dmitry Vorontsov (IDB RAS). Spatial characteristics of the auditory system in mosquitoes
28.01.2021 Sergey Kondrashev (Laboratory of Physiology of the NSCMB FEB RAS, Lab. 8 IITP RAS). Color perception in mating behavior of toads
21.01.2021 Dmitry Lapshin (Lab. 8 IITP RAS), Dmitry Vorontsov (IDB RAS). Study of the spatial and frequency characteristics of auditory receptors in female blood-sucking mosquitoes
14.01.2021 Ilya Lossev (Chief scientist and Vice-President of Advanced Research and Development, Parascript company). The architecture of Deep Learning neural networks for solving visual problems. Comments