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>> Seminar of the Sensory information proce... >> Previous seminars - 2007

13.12.2007 E.I. Rodionova (IITP RAS), A.V. Minor (IEE RAS), K.T. Sulimov, G.A. Kogun: Individual odor of insects

06.12.2007 N.G. Bibikov (N.N. Andreyev Acoustics Institute): Feature detectors in the auditory system

29.11.2007 D.S. Lebedev (IITP RAS): The role of eye micro-movements in the functioning of human fine spatial vision, a model study

18.10.2007 A.A. Loshkarev (Lab. 8 IITP RAS PhD student, scientific advisor - D.Sc. I.N. Pigarev): Study of the interaction of the cerebral cortex and neostriatum in the processes of sleep and wakefulness

11.10.2007 E.M. Maximova (IITP RAS): Orientation-selective units in the goldfish tectum

28.06.2007 O.Yu. Orlov, E.M. Maximova and V.V. Maximov: On the color vision of Martians (in connection with the 750th anniversary of O.Yu. Orlov)

31.05.2007 N.S. Mugue (Koltzov Institute of Developmental Biology (IDB RAS)), V.Yu. Vedenina (IITP RAS): Variability of pheromone receptors in the closely related species of the Drosophila virilis group and their role in courtship behavior and speciation

19.04.2007 I.N. Koshits1, O.V. Svetlova2, F.N. Makarov3: Classification and operation of human accomodation actuators. (Perspective research directions.)

1 - JSC "PITERKOM/MS Consulting Group"
2 - St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education
3 - Pavlov Institute of Physiology, RAS

12.04.2007 G.I. Rozhkova1, T.V. Adamovich1, V.A. Bastakov1, V.V. Ognivov1, O.Yu. Orlov1, I.G. Panova2, E.V. Timonina1, V.S. Tokareva1, T.V. Chochlova1: Comparative studies of the mechanisms of accommodation in humans and vertebrates (Report on the work for the RFBR 2004-2006 project)

1 - Lab. 8 IITP RAS
2 - Koltzov Institute of Developmental Biology (IDB RAS)

29.03.2007 O.Yu. Orlov (IITP RAS): “Laboratory of spontaneous heuristics”: on the content side of dreaming

15.03.2007 G.V. Devitsyna (MSU, Chair of Ichtiology): Adaptive changes in the external gustatory system in chronic anosmia in fish

01.03.2007 I.P. Shepeleva (I. Kant Russian State University, Kaliningrad): Comparative morphology and optical properties of the eyes of gastropods (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora)

18.01.2007 V.Yu. Vedenina (IITP RAS): Comparison of the motorics of leg movement while singing in the closely related species of grasshoppers and their hybrids and possible mechanisms of hybrid song simplification


Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: February 20, 4:00 pm, b...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: February 13, 4:00 pm, b...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: January 30, 4:00 pm, sm...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: January 23, 4:00 pm, sm...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: December 19, 2:30 pm, r...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: December 12, 2:30 pm, r...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: December 5, 2:30 pm, ro...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: November 21, 2:30 pm, s...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: November 7, 2:30 pm, ro...
Joint seminar (SIEE RAS and IITP RAS) on the problems of sensory physiology: October 24, 2:30 pm, SI...
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